So It's a blog..right?

It looks like a blog and works like a blog, but it isn't exactly what I wanted. I spent most of yesterday creating this blog, with the help of my daughter, Sydney. I would like to do a lot more with it and I will, but I'm still in the learning phase. I have been surfing the web looking for information about how to create backgrounds, how to use different fonts, etc. I am not even sure exactly what I want, much less how to achieve it. Ha! I feel like I'm on information overload. OK, so with determination and a lot of patience I will achieve my goal and create a great page. Wish me luck, and send any suggestions my way. I could use a lot of help!


  1. Looks great, you are doing a great job on designing this page.

  2. Wow!!!! How Fantastic!!! Good for you Pam Pam!
    I am so happy that you are excited and doing what you are so good at. Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve-Good Luck!

    Love you,
    Shar Shar


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